Some of my Work
Who is Estrella?
I'm a part-time artist and part-time graphic designer. I fancy myself a jack-of-all-trades (creatively speaking) and master of a few. Check out my portfolio to guess what I've mastered. I have about ten years experience doing various creative projects, both self-initiated and for clients.
Recent Posts
During the pandemic, I got cancer again
If you follow me on social media, then you may already know that I was diagnosed with breast cancer…again. I want to try to give as succint an overview as I can of what’s been happening with me. To recap: I was first diagnosed with cancer in my right breast in 2008. It was a … Read More
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Self-published Lost Falcon
It's been a while since I last wrote a post. My ongoing battle with insomnia makes it hard to stay productive sometimes. I saw a new sleep doctor, and I FINALLY was prescribed sleep medicine, as opposed to anti-depressants that have sleep-inducing side effects. Turns out, sleep medicine doesn't stop me from waking up in [...] Read More