Alien Encounters : Comic
This comic is part of a series titled “Alien Encounters”: in the future, astronauts are tasked to explore the universe, find alien life, and make contact with it. Each astronaut sets out on his journey alone, so the stories are independent, though they share the same setup.
In this comic, the astronaut finds alien lifeforms that resemble gigantic ants. Though he doesn’t understand the alien’s language (and the aliens do not understand him either), the reader can use a mirror to translate what the aliens are saying.
6X18 Inches
Pen & Ink
Digital Printing

Alien Encounters : the Tree of Life
In this Z-Fold book, a story is told through twelve images, repeated twice. One set of images is in color, and the other set of images are in anaglyphic 3D. To get the full scope of the story, just use the red tinted lens of the 3D glasses to reveal the encrypted message left by the astronaut on the book waist band
6X18 Inches
1st edition: Silkscreen
2nd edition: RISO
This was the accompanying website for the series.